Instructor: Ju Ly (Julie) Ban
Course Meeting Time: MW 2:55-4:35 pm
Course Location: A – 17 Lex 1001
Email: (Kindly be aware that I receive lots of emails, and occasionally it requires additional time to respond to all, particularly over the weekends.)
Instructor Office Hours: MW 2:05-2:55 and by appointment (please feel free to contact me to schedule an appointment.)


Blackboard will serve as the central platform for our communication. It is the online space where you can access course announcements, assignments, and grades as they become available. We will also use Google Drive will for certain assignments/projects, but you should view Blackboard as your main source of official information for the class. You will submit your final drafts of the three major writing projects through Blackboard.
**Notes on Turning in Work on Blackboard:
l For the final drafts of major writing assignments (Essays 1, 2, and 3), please upload a PDF version of your final draft to the corresponding assignment on Blackboard.
l For any weekly writing assignments due on Blackboard, you can either upload a PDF or Microsoft Word version of your response.


Below are the assignments for the semester, along with their respective weights towards your final course grade, based on a 100% grading scale. Please note that all major projects will involve multiple drafts and reviews conducted by both your peers and instructor. Detailed grading rubrics will be provided for each major paper.
Part I: Literacy Narrative Essay
1,500-1,800 words / ~ 5-6 double-spaced pages
20% of course grade
Part II: Critical Analysis Essay
1,500-1,800 words /~ 5-6 double-spaced pages
20% of course grade
Part III: Research-Based Argument Essay
1,500-1,800 words /~ 5-6 double-spaced pages
30% of course grade

Weekly Writing

There will be weekly writing assignments throughout the semester. The assignments will include written homework, in-class writing, participation in writing groups, peer-review workshops, collaborative work, and other assigned exercises.
30% of course grade


I use Baruch’s 100% grading scale to assess individual assignments and your final course grade. If you ever have any concerns or questions regarding your grade in the class, please don’t hesitate to contact me.

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